Kathy MilesIntrinsic MotivationHigh intrinsic motivation will help you be successful in your goals. Learn why it is so important and some tips for boosting your motivatio
Kathy MilesImproving Your ResilienceThe working landscape is a hotbed of change, things are constantly developing, progressing and improving and for organisations to keep up...
Kathy MilesThe Importance of Stress ManagementStress has become an increasingly normal part of life for many. In an occupational health and safety/human resources sense, the focus is...
Kathy MilesWhat is Employee Wellness?Hands up who has 'Wellness Strategies' at their organisation? A few of you I'm sure. Now keep your hands up if those strategies cover...
Kathy MilesFlexible Work Options in DemandTimes are changing and organisations need to change to reflect this. Baby Boomers tended to have the 'live-to-work' attitude; they...